
It’s a year of milestones for Alasdair Neale and the Sun Valley Sumer Music Festival

By Sabina Dana Plasse with photos by Nils Ribi

Alasdair Neale has been the Music Director of the Sun Valley Summer Music Festival for 25 years, which has been an enormous part of his career as a music director.

“At the very first glimpse I had of Sun Valley when I arrived for the first time, I saw the foliage in its splendid state, and I recall thinking ‘Oh, I think we have something good here.’ I could not have imagined all the things that have come to pass,” says Neale. “It’s given me the chance to realize projects that would have only been pipe dreams. It’s also given me the chance to connect with a wonderful family of musicians from all over the country, and me the chance to form friendships within the community. I’m grateful every day for this.”

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